Thanks to suitable storage technology, your goods and those of your customers are perfectly and securely stored in your warehouse. But how are the goods transported from the truck into your warehouse? Skillfully applied, modern loading systems can prove to be more than cost-efficient since their dock shelters and dock levellers offer a safe, dry and draught-proof connection between truck and warehouse.
In forwarding industry and freight transportation, modern loading technology including dock shelters make every-day life more than efficient. The systems are adaptable to various conditions and situations. Using state-of-the-art technology and precise production methods, we offer you exactly those types of loading systems you need for fast and careful loading.
Your warehouse not only needs to be equipped with the requested dock levellers and dock shelters but it also needs to resist the considerable impact of docking trucks without being damaged. Well-planned impact protection and flexible dock shelters will help to meet these requirements.
fair, flexible, functional
technically skilled - and fast